Teaching Design – Infrequent Newsletter #1
Dear design teachers/learners and bibliography-lovers,
first of all: thanks for subscribing to this mailing list and following the research project (sort of) offline (at least in terms of social media)!
Teaching Design has grown a lot since 2019 thanks to many meaningful contributions, conversations and collaborations – and so have I. Part of this process was learning how to make healthier decisions, hence I decided to step away from social media and continue this research at a much slower pace.
After all building this bibliography and everything that has grown from it has always happened and is still happening alongside real life, as an extra-curricular activity.
Constantly expanding my understanding of what 'design' is, the resources I will share with you continue to be in varying proximity to what is understood as 'design' and/or 'design education' in a conventional sense.
As I am aiming to be a wholehearted teacher/learner, as bell hooks terms it, I am trying to apply this wholeheartedness to life in general – which includes this newsletter. So when it infrequently arrives in your inbox, I hope you can sense the time and care I invested and the joy I had putting it together.
Warm wishes and until next time,
Added to the bibliography
Lisa M. Landreman (Ed.): The Art of Effective Facilitation. Reflections from social justice educators. Virginia: Stylus Publishing LLC, 2013.
I highly recommend the essay "From Safe Space to Brave Space – A New Way to Frame Dialogue Around Diversity and Social Justice" by Brian Arao and Kristi Clemens (p. 135). It was recommended to me by Anja Neidhardt and I've been experimenting with this facilitation format in my theory seminars fairly successfully.
Hannah Witte: Typohacks – Handbuch für gendersensible Sprache und Typografie. Frankfurt am Main: form Verlag, 2021.
From the publisher's website:
"Unterstrich, Binnen-I, Sternchen oder Doppelpunkt? Welche gendersensiblen Zeichen werden wann genutzt? Und was gibt es für Möglichkeiten, gestalterisch mit ihnen umzugehen? Typohacks ist ein Handbuch und Ratgeber für beides: gendersensible Sprache und Typografie. Hannah Witte führt in aktuelle Methoden des antidiskriminierenden Sprachhandelns ein, bietet Einblicke in die vielfältige Welt der Schriftformen und zeigt, dass Sprache weder eindimensional noch absolut ist."
Rosa te Velde (Ed.): Hear! Here! – Workshops, Conversations – 2019/2020+2020/2021. Amsterdam: Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut, 2022.
Words from the project's website:
"Hear! Here! is a platform at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
In 2019/2020, the project was two-fold. Together with our editorial team, we organised monthly dialogue workshops open to all Rietveld and Sandberg teachers and monthly dialogue event for students, teachers and staff. Due to COVID-19 we transitioned to online workshops.
In 2020/2021, we focused on critical pedagogy. We organised workshops for Rietveld and Sandberg staff."
→ The publication is accessible online here.
Anne H. Berry, Kelly Walters, Jennifer Rittner, Lesley-Ann Noel, Penina Laker, Kareem Collie (Eds.): The Black Experience in Design: Identity, Expression & Reflection. New York: Allworth, 2022.
From the publication's website:
"There has never been a time when Black designers were not shaping, creating, packaging, distributing, and celebrating through, with, and by design. Black designers from across the diaspora have been integral to the development of our professions and practices, contributing to the design of typography and posters, chairs and wearables, modes of transport and methods of care, financial services and speculative futures.
The Black Experience in Design: Identity, Expression & Reflection presents the work of six editors and over 70 designers, artists, curators, educators, students, and researchers who represent a wide cross-section of Black diasporic identities and multi-disciplinary practices."
Conversations continued …
Almost one year ago we had the pleasure to talk to Claude Nasser and Ruben Pater about design education in Lebanon and the Netherlands as well as "in between spaces" in institutional education that allow for unproductive-ness, experimentation and imagining education otherwise.
→ Read the conversation here.
→ Find out more about the conversation series here.
ongoing Open Call
We invite contributions from you; design educators, students, alumni, researchers, pedagoges, enthusiasts and others to submit and share the sources which are reference points and/or inspiration to your practice! Your contribution will be published in our infrequent newsletter and in our text-based bibliography.
→ Find out how to contribute here.
Teaching Design started as a collectively gathered bibliography focusing on design education from intersectional feminist and decolonial perspectives. Since its launch in September 2019, it has expanded into conversational formats, workshops, a temporary library and a space for reflections, which all has led to the platform in its current form.
→ Learn more about the research project here.
Currently the bibliography as well as this newsletter is curated and edited by Lisa Baumgarten unless mentioned otherwise.